Official technical service
Thanks to a high quality after-sales service, Hifi Center is the official technical service of the Parasound brand.
Official technical service
Specialized in the most current products, with the most prestigious brands, we are in our fourth decade as OFFICIAL TECHNICAL SERVICE of Parasound, always looking for excellence in our work as experts in the repair of amplifiers in Madrid, Speakers, and much more to give you a top quality service.
The need to provide a high quality after-sales service of multinationals in our country, makes Hifi Center stands out as OFFICIAL TECHNICAL SERVICE of large technology firms, because we are experts in the repair of sound equipment that find in our company the solution to the demand for a technical service warranty.
At Hifi Center, we are specialists in leading brands and offer high quality technical service for power amplifiers, AV processors, amplifiers, Blu-ray, projectors, LED 3D, mixing consoles, speakers, speakers, audio players and home theater systems. Trust us to keep your equipment in optimal conditions.
Official technical service

Hifi Center offers its customers an official and specialized technical service for Parasound equipment.

Professionalism and personalized treatment, guarantees of the work that we develop in Hifi Center.

We offer the best after-sales solutions in the market.

Hifi Center offers repairs and technical assistance for all Parasound products.
Work with Us
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Contact with Us
If you have any questions about our repair services and official technical service you can use different ways to contact us.